Elby Kwok
Composer/ Violinist
Kwok Shin Ching, Elby is graduated from Chinese University of Hong Kong, major in composition under the tutelage of Prof. Victor Chan, Dr. Chan Kai-Young and Prof. Wendy Lee. Kwok has developed her interest in composition since secondary school when she listened to the soundtracks in film and games. She is an active composer who often composes and arranges for her friends in their graduation concerts. Her pieces have been chosen for the Bauhinia Concert, Papillon Blue Acapella Annual Concert. She was also invited to compose for CUHK Art Museum and had a premiere work The Arc in London. Her work Trio for Flute, Tuba and Piano has also been performed in the US, Columbia and Taiwan. In the coming August, she will commission a choral work for Fluente Chorus which is going to be performed in their annual concert. She also loves to participate in orchestra and performed in the musical《Man of La Mancha》by Chung Ying Theatre.
郭倩晴畢業於香港中文大學音樂系,主修作曲,師隨陳偉光教授、陳啓揚博士及李允琪教授。郭氏對作曲的興趣自中學時期開始萌生,並喜愛電影和電子遊戲的配樂。她的作品曾於紫荊音樂會、Papillon Blue無伴奏合唱團周年音樂會發佈,也被邀請於中文大學文物館創作主題曲,以及於倫敦首演了樂曲 The Arc。此外, 她的作品Trio for Flute, Tuba and Piano廣受好評,分別於美國、哥倫比亞及台灣演出。今年八月,郭氏受Fluente Chorus委托創作一首大型合唱作品於其年度音樂會首演。郭氏也活躍於本地樂團,近期演出有中英劇團音樂劇《唐吉訶德》。

Emotions for 3 Piccolos
Premiered by Ginny Tin, Karen Wong & Cathy Tsang in 2020.
Recorded in 2023.